Week 12: Research For/By Design, P3 : Analysis…
This is the third week of a 5 week collaborative group project.
Team 4: Dejarelle Gaines, Jackie Sabillon Pinto, Michelle Lee and me…
Goal: By looking at the research already done take the most valuable and salient insights that really speak to things that we coud do for the stakeholders, and come up with 2-3 ideas for designs we might want to ptototype and identify one primary persona – the user our design solution will mainly focus on – and one secondary persona.
The details for our primary and secondary role-based personas would come from all the research we had done up to now and any additional research if necessary to form their:
- Background
- Age and Lifestyle
- Education Level
- Interests and Values
- Goals and Desires,
- Limitations
- Patterns of Behavior

Primary Persona
Without the participation of our primary persona, any solutions that we propose would be almost impossible to implement. In creating Roman Koval, I found that I needed to do a lot more research. I went through several academic publications from Criminal Law Studies looking at topics like, ‘Job Satisfaction’ , ‘Reasons for Joining the Force’, ‘Stress and Behavior’, ‘Sleep Deprevation’, and ‘Police Trauma’ studies on US police officers. The dates the studies were done ranged from back to 1980 – 2020.

Additional Research
I also search testimoniials, job review sites like Glass Door and Indeed, in additon to the open Facebook groups and a acouple of online articles to create our primary persona.
Information from the interviews conducted help create our secondary persona Alexis Williams.

Possible Solutions
We can up with 2 possoble solutions. The first one is an API to detect dis- and misinformation on social media. And the second solution is a systems solution that would focus on community engagement and education incentivised with tangible rewards for the community members and law enforcement to participate.
Thank goodness this is only a class project. In IRL, this would be a massive project that would take a months, if not years to study and propose several system solutions. It is the system that need to be tackled from education, legislation, and mental health to media, ethics and social change. We are all products of the society we live in.
This project has taught me that I have to be really organised and as I mentioned before define the scope. Really painstakingly define the scope because you can waste a lot of valuable time swimming in the muck. And if you swim too far from focus, you’ll drown from exhaustion trying to get back in focus.
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